Call for Tutorial Proposals

We aim to address the most cutting-edge topics in GEM in our tutorial program. Topics are to be taken from the three pillars: Technology, Industry Verticals and Ethics & Privacy Issues. Contributions based on topics related to GEM are also welcomed. We particularly encourage proposals that have a strong hands-on component.

Industry Forum Names
  • Game Technologies
  • Sensing
  • Robots in Gaming & Entertainment
  • AI, IoT & Big Data
  • Wearables
Industry Verticals
  • Cinematography
  • Health and Wellness
  • Psychology & Society
  • Immersive/Interactive Entertainment
  • Digital Media
Ethics & Privacy Issues
  • Deep fakes and Media
  • Data collection & User Profiling in GEM
  • Data sharing practices in GEM
  • Cross-device and online-to-offline monitoring

Submission Requirements

Proposals should be 2-3 pages in length in IEEE letter format, with the presenters’ CVs submitted as supplemental material. The proposal should include the following information:

  • Title

  • Pillar topic

  • Name, affiliation, and email addresses of presenters

  • Proposed duration:  2 hours, 20 minutes or half day (4 hours with 30-minute break)

  • Target audience: Who is expected to attend? What prior knowledge is assumed/required? How many attendees are expected?

  • Expected outcome: What would the attendees learn?

  • Novelty/innovation being presented: What is new and innovative in the tutorial?

  • Tutorial abstract

  • Tutorial Details: Explain with as much detail as necessary what will be offered in the tutorial.

  • Hands-on Component (if applicable): What is involved in the hands-on component? What tools, software, are needed? Is the attendee expected to provide any materials?

  • Supplementary materials:

    •  Any additional materials that provide a complete picture of the tutorial, e.g. slides from previous similar tutorials conducted, requests, etc.

    • Presenters’ CVs: A 2-3 page CV of each presenter that includes name, affiliation, current position, mailing address, and email address. A summary of their experience in the tutorial area should be included, as well as a list of publications and/or presentations that are relevant to the tutorial. Evidence of teaching and/or experience in the topic area should also be provided.


Tutorials will be held at the end of the conference and typically be 2 hours, 20 minutes in duration; but half-day tutorials (4 hours, with a 30 minute break included) are possible.

Submission Procedure

Proposals should be submitted by August 24, 2022. Submissions should be in PDF using the IEEE letter format with the presenters’ CVs included as supplementary material. The submission should be sent as a single PDF file. Proposers will be notified of the committee’s decision by September 7, 2022. Tutorial proposers should have the finalized tutorial descriptions, bios and conference registration by October 2, 2022. Completed course materials should be available by November 20, 2022.

Use this link to submit your proposal: